Welcome to

the new standard in presentations!

At NEOprezo we help you create stunning virtual 3D Tours for your Virtual Event, Tradeshow, EBC or interior. Providing end to end solutions we can turn your designs into integrated, interactive, portable and highly effective visual stories.

Why Neoprezo ?

Presentations can be fun yet arduous. A lot hinges on them in todays highly competetive business environment. Yet sometimes the weakest link can be the ability of the client preception of 3d space. ‘You cannot sell it if they are unable to visualize it’.  With NEOprezo you can eliminate such ambiguity. With predefined views and hotspots you can seamlessly tie your visual story effectively and efficiently.

What We Offer

  • Interactive 360 VR Tours
  • Custom designed interfaces
  • Detail Analytics in VR Tour
  • Fully customized microsites
  • Virtual walkthroughs and animations

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